عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

الاثنين، 13 يناير 2014

سطوع شمس النبوة

           قصيدة من الشعر المنثور في مدح من بُعث بالنور
وتلاميذه من أصحاب السرور
 للفقير إلى ربه أحمد الرواس

نورُ النبوة أضاءت الأرض شمسُه
                     ومحمد تجلى بين الأنـــام بــدْرا

قمرُ الهداية ينشر حولــــــه ضياء

                     و أصحابه كواكب تلمع أنـــوارا

يا خير معلم لخير جيــل ظهـــــــر

                     و يا خير مرسل لخير أتباع أمر

كلماتك أنوار الوحــي تـــدفَّقــــــت

                   و على ظمإ قلوبهم وقعت بِشـرا

أحاديثُك العلويــــةُ كانـــــت لــــهم

                   صيبا في غسق ليل بهيم ظـــهر

أحْيَت أنوارُها مَوَاتَ قلوبهم كما

                   أحيى الأرضَ الميتةَ مزنُ المطر

لم يسعد نبــــــي بأتبــــاعه كـــــما

                   سعدت يا محمد بصحِبك الأبرار

حملوا للأنام بعدك مِشْعل الهـُــدى      

                 واكْتسحوا جحافل ليل الأمصـار

فما كاد يدور الحول بعدك حتـــى

                عم الرشدُ الجزيرةَ وهلك الأشرار

من في النبيين قبلُ كان له مثـــلُ

               أصحابك،و أنى لهم كالفاروق عمر

رجل قد صار صِنْو العدل مثـَـلاً 

                  و جيوش فتحه قد عمت الأقطـار

و من في الأوليــــــن قبلك كان له

                 كالصديق تَفانيا في امتثال الأمْـــر

بذل ثـــراءه لرياض الإســــــلام

                 فازدهر بـه، و لخير العبيـد حـــرر

أم من كان له كالحييِّ عثمــــان جوداً
                       و كـان لك خير الأنام صِهْرا

ما ضرَّ عثمانَ ما فعل بعد اليـــوم:

                بُشراك له يوم جهَّز جيشَ العُسرة

ومن في حوارييـــه كأبي الحسنَين

                زوجِ الزهراء وهب للإسلام عمرَه

كواكبُ أربعةُ فاق الثريَّا سمــوُّهمُ

               و خلافةُ الرشـد بهم رقَت أطـْــوارا

و دونهمُ كوكبةُ من صحب الرسول

                 أنعــم بهــم مهاجـــرا  و أنصــارا

حكمَ العليـــمُ في الأزل بفضلهــــــــمُ

              و آي مدحهم في ســور نُثرت دُرَراً

فواعجبا لمن عَمِي عن ذكر الرحمن

             وتبع من قلبه مُلئ حقدا مُنْكــــــــرا

بطاعتهم فازوا منـــــه برضــــــــوان

             غايةِ القرب ومنتهى ما يُبتغى أجرا

طوبى لمن شرَح الله قلبـَــه بحبِّهـــمُ

             فلا إيمان لمن لا ينشرح بهم صدْرا

و يا ويل من أظْلم قلبـُــه ببغضهــم

             أنْذر الجبـــار من يغتاظ منهمُ كفــرا

الخميس، 2 يناير 2014

What is left of Darwin’s evolution theory? 1/4

The successive blows that the Darwinism has been subjected to in recent decades have almost shifted it to a rack of oblivion. Despite all the desperate attempts exerted by the fans of this old classical theory, and despite their hopeless clinging on its worn-out rags and tatters, and despite their ongoing endeavor to beautify its pale face even through forging fossils, or covering up undesirable findings, or by extrapolation as we shall see in this article. However the scientific deadly blows that it underwent in recent decades have almost buried it. It only remained alive in the minds of those who are so intimately possessed by the Darwinism, It is the same for such fans: the scientific evidence and the mental illusion.

So what is the general path of Darwinism drawn by the book of : On the Origin of Species of Charles Darwin, And what are some contradictions in this theory forced up  to be exposed on the surface by these scientific findings?    
In his book: On the origin of species Darwin assumed that the origin of all living species and the descent of all beings is one. He referred to it in different terms: primordial form, one prototype,  …etc ( chapter 14 page 428 and Chapter 6 page157) and through ages, all this wide diversity of life emerged from  this obscure and mysterious primitive being. The fans of this theory often refer to this as a single-celled organm such as amoeba. All birds, fish reptiles,mammals, and other animals descended from this same one-celled organism, man is no acception, for the apparent superficial analogy, he was quick to link him indirectly  to apes, Such as chimpanzee! I say: indirectly because there is what he called:” intermediate” or “transitional form” that fills the gap between ape and man! This vanishing intermediate is what he called” the missing link “ These missing links don't exclusively concern man and his organic relationship with his direct predecessor, but with every other species. The missing links are indeed the most famous absentee, and the clearest truant in this theory. Whenever Darwin’s theory is derailed, came to a deadlocked he hangs his failure on the missing link peg! In other word, he justifies his failure by the absence of missing links. Darwin himself felt concerned about this dilemma that stains his theory, and he admitted it throughout his book. Indeed, he was so concerned about this mysterious disappearance of these missing links, or intermediates, that he saved a special chapter in his book( Chapter 6) to deal with them, entitled: Difficulties on theory. He said:" why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?
This is not the only difficulty, but there is a chapter of difficulties that he himself admitted to have caused him to stagger.
Darwin said:
"…. Some of them(difficulties) are so grave that to this day I can never reflect on them without being staggered.(page 157 chapter 5)
Traslation the picture:The scientific discoveries force evolutionists to the unknown
Some of his  justifications to those difficulties are very pale indeed, and they don’t seem to be convincing at all.
Reading Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species one finds out that his reference points are  built upon a postulate idea that  evolution is progressing in an ascending line. From the lowest to the highest, from the less complicated to the most complicated. Darwin was not the first to be tempted by such trend in classification; it has indeed tempted many other ancestors. The most famous in the older world was Aristotle in his book: The history of Animals in which he classified organisms according to their similar characteristics, those with red blood and those without..etc. However, such trend has brought too many inconvenient drawbacks to this theory.

 This theory disdained save being imprisoned through decades in a solitary confinement called: a theory or a hypothesis. Its adherent fans; including some zealous anthropologists were not able to free it and take it out to the vast , free atmosphere of factual reality.

Many serious scientific researchers were able to penetrate the very thick ceiling barrier, almost totally controlled globally by the pro-Darwinism fans. One of these powerful researches made in recent years  was that  of  Dr Michael Denton. A very famous British-Australian author, and physician- biochemist, and a senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture who dedicated more than 10 years of his life in laboratory studying the very molecular structures of cytochrome  in some of the Darwin’s chain of organisms to discover the level of sophistication in the respiratory cycle that involved enzymes  of very old creatures believed by Darwin to be the ancestors, and forefathers of other numerous kinds of descendant creatures. He found them as sophisticated as the latest alleged offspring. In some cases, he found them to be even more sophisticated in the case of forefathers. His research focus was on the very molecular structure of enzymes and the eucaryotic cytochrome sequences. His research resulted in a very interesting book entitled: Evolution: A Theory in Crisis published 1985.13 years later 1998 he published his equally important book: Nature’s Destiny in which he proved with unshakable scientific proof the falsification of  the randomness accounts for the biology of organisms. Life according to Denton did not exist until initial conditions of the universe were fine tuned. And proved instead the design, and super intelligence that overwhelms life, and universe as whole.
There’re  hundreds of other scientific researches that started to gorge out forward. The latest that I read was a research by a group of Canadian researchers  entitled: New evolutionary research disproves living missing link theories. It proved that:
Genetic research proves worms has evolved to be less sophisticated than their ancestors
Despite the fact that the evolutionists didn't find those mysterious  missing links, and despite all these tremendous flow of scientific findings, evolutionists still insist on their arrogance and try to turn 
blind eye to them.
 Here is an example of how people get deceived 

To be continued