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عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

عنوان الموضوع

نبذة عن الموضوع

الأحد، 10 نوفمبر 2013

Pearls of wisdom :Commentary and translation on Hikam

الحكمة 14

الكون كله ظلمة ، وإنما أناره ظهوره الحق فيه ، فمن رأى الكون ، ولم يشهده فيه ، أو عنده ، أو قبله ، أو بعده – فقد أعوز وجود الأنوار ، وحجبت عنه شموس المعارف بسحب الآثار . 

The whole universe is but darkness, it only illuminates by the manifestation of the truth in it. Whoever saw the universe and didn't see Him in it at it before it or after it, is indeed suffering from the lack of inner light, for the sun of knowledge eclipsed – in him- behind clouds of effect

The pivot of this wisdom is about the idea that the universe or phenomenal being is not self-reliant, but rather an effect of an initiative cause; and a gleam of the one who is the light of the heavens and the earth. Through which He manifests Himself to those who have real knowledge. For our sensing of beauty and the beautification of everything scattered in it is but some traces of what He planted in us. And a seed implanted in the soil of our makeup. Has it not been for this effect implanted in our nature, it would have been the same
for us: the beauty and the beast, the light and darkness.
Him who doesn’t see the total domination of the creator in this world, in the beginning and the end, has indeed being blinded by his adherence to the effect instead of the cause , and being fascinated by images instead of the maker and the bestower of all forms and images. And the sun of knowledge has indeed eclipsed inside him. Because the bases for the knowledge is this unique ability within our nature to distinguish between the right and the wrong;  the just and the unjust. The light, and the darkness. The beneficial, and the harmful. It is the inherited capability of distinguishing between contradictions.
Our natural and physical sciences are all derived from this universe and its various strict laws and principles,  and our  criterions are measured according to the already existed universal laws. Every science that humanity boasts to be excellent in today, had been already there since the very beginning but it was blind to see it for millennia before it started crawling through its high ladder. So, whomever is adherent to this sciences exclusively has indeed saw the effect and was blind to see the cause. One may find great enjoyment in revealing more of hidden laws in this universe but this enjoyment can’t exceed one’s material life span which is horribly short. In fact, this unique enjoyment is badly embittered by the inevitable reminisces of death and annihilation that one can’t help to stop it from flashing out in one’s mind. The real enjoyment is the one that embraced eternity and include it into its equation. You may enjoy seeing corsage of flowers at home, but will enjoy it more when it is bestowed to you as a gift!
We may enjoy looking at starry sky but we shall enjoy it more when knowing that all this beauty

and grandeur has been gifted to us by the creator to enable us understand more about His Excellency and greatness, paving the way for our ultimate happiness granted for those who deeply contemplate in the heaven and the earth
Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding. (Al-Imran 3:190)Those who remember Allâh (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): “Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted are You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire. (Al-Imran 3:19

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